Spice is becoming the first shopping center to offer an option to buy a gift card and pay for it later. The delayed payment service is provided by Klix, a payment tool developed by Citadele Bank.
Klix is a platform bringing together multiple lenders and providing unique customer experience. By filling out an application online, the customer receives offers from several lenders, allowing the customer to choose the best suited offer and sign the loan agreement right away. The process is completely digital and takes just 5 minutes of the customer’s time.,
Gift cards with the delayed payment option are available at the information centers of the shopping centers Spice and Spice Home. The partnership enables customers to choose a convenient time for making payments for their purchases and to split a payment in several installments.
“The shopping center Spice prioritizes the comfort of its customers, therefore, cooperation with Klix is an opportunity to meet our customers halfway and offer them the opportunity to delight their loved ones with a gift card regardless of when they pay for the purchase. The inclusion of the additional, modern delayed payment option in our range of services reflects the modern and unique character of Spice, giving visitors the opportunity to enjoy the latest innovations in various sectors,” says Iveta Priedīte, head of the shopping centers Spice and Spice Home.
“This step will make the customer shopping experience even more convenient. Thanks to the gift card, customers can make the purchase they want without worrying about immediate payment. This could be particularly useful during the year-end holidays, when spending tends to be higher,” says Eduards Timofejevs, Klix product manager.